
Showing posts from 2014


Those wide eyes can, for sure, Cast a spell strong on you. And that voice, Cute it is for sure, But what makes you follow it. Wanting to hate it, You will still love its muse. You want, in sense, to cast it off, You sense, after all, being cast off. Whether or not it is, You feel it's lying to you. Still deep in, you fell for it. In the spell, which always is, Ink always is those eyes, And with strings is that chime. In that spell, which always is, Logic is what you boast for, And that, you don't posses. Far I go, as wide are the eyes. Deep I go, as rings the chime.

And they called her 'Dayabhai'

Flexing fingers as I type here after long.Thanks you all for keeping coming.Thought to write this a while ago and dont really know if this is relevent now but cant just keep from telling 'bout this lady. I just wanted to lie down and sleep and I would really have missed being with her and listening to her if I had.You should already be asking who is so special.The social worker known to all as 'Dayabhai'. She actually broke all my concepts of a real bold person. Being with the tribal people all the time she now rather looks more tribal and uncultured than anyone and trust me her figure doesn't match anywhere near a dias unless you actually hear her voice. One that could stand in a church and hundreds of church people and say out loud how screwed this church system is and tell out to the people, through a mike, you don't follow church,you rather follow Christ for both are not even anything near on same side.Someone who is actually think out of the box and listen

going home

A thirty minute stop on the way gave me enough time to sit by a small shop. I have been here before an year, when I last went home. Then, our bus broke down near here and this shop was all that was there around. The guy at the shop talked a lot. In ten minutes I felt like i had known him for long. He had told me about his little sister, how she would come running any minute then, and thus. Today, although I wasn't sure if he even remembered me after an year, I really wanted to go there, not just meet him and the little girl, but also for the lip-smacking sweets and pickles he kept. It's been quite a long time since I felt so happy traveling. And I am going home after almost an year. Even as I left my beloved hostel room, a part of me felt really happy. The road home seemed to pour in a bliss. The narrow road, that wound around hills, had rocky walls on one side and steeped down on the other. The road, at many places could barely fit a small bus. Going down this road, I fel

bird story part two; bird in and as, SHE

I always believed she liked me and I'm not going to change that.I know the extend she may love me is my food, still that gives me a moment of her presence.A glance of her eyes in mine.A note of her chatter for my heart.A touch of her pinty claws touching me.A peek of her hungry beaks against my eyes.May be a pair of curves joined too..

bird story part one; bird

I used to go by the hospital everyday. There used to be this big wall beside the compund and a lot of plants who lived on the shade of the wall.They wouldn't have grown this far if not for sun,rain and earth alone or if some one cared for the plants alone.Playing among them a day, I found a li'l bird.It was broken,hungry.It struggled, may be.But didn't wriggle or show off.I didn't think of all these then.I didn't take it home thinking of her struggle or pain but just out of my 'childish curiousity' as I may describe my naughtiness.She came home with me full heartedly.After all she's an orphan and weeak and helpless and Me? I'm her only family now. Or such was what I assumed as I brutally kidnapped her and took her away to my home,to captivity.Just my selfishness is considerable at this point and what?I'm the hero and how can I be wrong? So she 'came with me' I gave her my love .I looked after her. I Explored my valuable trash and worked


Once when I was all free to do anything I could, I wanted to grow, go and be more free never knowing I was tugging at more and more bars upon myself that now I want to go back to my liitle feets and regrow out of this dungeon..


Avces la gente piensa que estas loco solo porque sonries. Se asustan,se sienten amenazados. Note desanimes,sigue sonriendo!                          -Paulo Coelho

Drop of honey, Pain of thorn

Thought of silence,what could it probably do to you, Should be good. Many great men talked a lot on the greatness of silence, Poets sang of them. Still there's a lot to silence that you don't yet know. That silence itself have to tell you. taste it, its sweet,  drink it, it can be painful, and jump head deep in it, you will find the drop of sweetest honey that oozes out of the hardest and sharpest thorn. To be alone is good, try it longer you'll pine, try it longer you'll live the pain, find the pain, you'll cry, you'll wriggle, you'll shake, you'll call out louder, silence is pain,so is being lone, it 'll scorch you, and toast you, like a fallen tree in sun, your leaves dry, Your veins fry, You can cry no more, your tears is out' your head die, and so does your heart, then you tip off the edge, and find the depth, You start drinking, head deep in pain,  then comes the joy, the sweetest of honey, the brightest drop,

some other times LOVE

Sometimes it’s quite sudden you do things, things happen like out of nowhere. World come down to a standstill. Not still quite, it’s rather a slow motion sort of thing. At a moment its just rain, wind and dust and the next moment it’s a splash of love and a gush of bloody warmth. Dust make up rather special visual effects than just come up and block my nose. All it needs may be a number flashing on my phone, a few words over line, a moment, a glance over those curved quirky eyes, or a smile off those specially carved lips. It gets all over me and all through me. All I want is to swim and fly, loosen up this weight.


A glassful of water spiced with clove A handful of rice, curry and lime Oh now that I’m full and full to go Gotta pack my go, gonna take a while A row of jeans, a row of shirts A pack of socks and wares and stuff A pair of phones, rock ‘n roll Held my blanket, folded square Rolled my bed, nice and small Turned that lights and turned those screens Set on foot, out on road Bag on back, door behind A step out there, a wave of hand A cat staring hard, a crow crying low Oh now I’m full and off away.

unexpected drops

Its weird how love,hope and happiness come in drops at completely unexpected places. It may be just a phone call, meeting somebody  accidentally or sudden,may be its some words from your friends may be just some mere presence of some that create such happiness in you.