bird story part one; bird

I used to go by the hospital everyday. There used to be this big wall beside the compund and a lot of plants who lived on the shade of the wall.They wouldn't have grown this far if not for sun,rain and earth alone or if some one cared for the plants alone.Playing among them a day, I found a li'l bird.It was broken,hungry.It struggled, may be.But didn't wriggle or show off.I didn't think of all these then.I didn't take it home thinking of her struggle or pain but just out of my 'childish curiousity' as I may describe my naughtiness.She came home with me full heartedly.After all she's an orphan and weeak and helpless and Me? I'm her only family now. Or such was what I assumed as I brutally kidnapped her and took her away to my home,to captivity.Just my selfishness is considerable at this point and what?I'm the hero and how can I be wrong? So she 'came with me'
I gave her my love .I looked after her. I Explored my valuable trash and worked hard poking holes on a cardboard box to make her a home of her own.I gave her food of fruits and bread.Guess what sort of dirty food would her mother managed to give her? She used to open her mouth so wide when I opened her home's flaps.Oh! She's thankful and likes me so much.See how excited she is to see me.I used to hand feed her or rather so did I try. She never ate a thing I gave her. Two days passed by with her and me.She has now begun to poop in red.Is my food that good? It came redder and she grew weaker.At this point I started to come a bit doubtful around. I started to get a bit sad for her too. My mother came to me then.Sat beside me.How much I always want her beside me. She who for the whole time could understand a child and yet didn't fly the bird off for sake of a curve on my face told me "let's free her for the curve's sake".May be some one smiled at me then.


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