
Showing posts from September, 2014

And they called her 'Dayabhai'

Flexing fingers as I type here after long.Thanks you all for keeping coming.Thought to write this a while ago and dont really know if this is relevent now but cant just keep from telling 'bout this lady. I just wanted to lie down and sleep and I would really have missed being with her and listening to her if I had.You should already be asking who is so special.The social worker known to all as 'Dayabhai'. She actually broke all my concepts of a real bold person. Being with the tribal people all the time she now rather looks more tribal and uncultured than anyone and trust me her figure doesn't match anywhere near a dias unless you actually hear her voice. One that could stand in a church and hundreds of church people and say out loud how screwed this church system is and tell out to the people, through a mike, you don't follow church,you rather follow Christ for both are not even anything near on same side.Someone who is actually think out of the box and listen